Chinese medicine and acupuncture are highly effective and clinically approved treatments for a variety of disorders and conditions. In many cases, they are the first option of treatment, as they can provide excellent results without the side effects associated with Western medicine.
For migraine headaches, after ruling out any organic problems, Chinese medicine can be used to regulate the body. As migraine headaches are often caused by functional disorders, Western medicine does not have better solutions.
Constipation, facial paralysis, cervical spondylosis, and lumbar disc herniation are all conditions that can be effectively treated with Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Mouth ulcers and gum pain, as well as diseases related to the spleen and stomach, such as chronic gastritis and abdominal distension and diarrhea, can also be treated with Chinese medicine.
Allergic diseases, such as eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, and asthma, are often caused by immune system disorders. Chinese medicine can help regulate the immune system and improve the body’s overall health.
Acne, shingles, and idiopathic alopecia (hair loss) are conditions that can be treated with Chinese medicine. For chronic gynecological inflammation, such as pelvic inflammatory disease and vaginitis, Chinese medicine can provide effective relief.
Menstrual disorders, which are often caused by hormonal imbalances, can be difficult to treat with Western medicine. Chinese medicine can provide effective treatments that focus on overall regulation of the reproductive system.
Sub-health conditions, such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness, bad breath, constipation, and irritability, are often difficult to diagnose with Western medicine. However, Chinese medicine can provide targeted treatments to improve overall health.
Complex chronic diseases, such as chronic nephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-stroke sequelae, and tumors, can be treated with steroids in Western medicine, but with side effects. Chinese medicine provides a complementary approach that can improve overall health without these side effects.
For the common cold, drinking plenty of water and supplementing with vitamin C can usually control symptoms. However, if symptoms persist, Chinese medicine can help provide relief.
Insomnia is often a functional disorder that can be treated with Chinese medicine. Western medications used to promote sleep can lead to dependence and should only be used short-term.
Menopausal syndrome can be effectively treated with a combination of Western and Chinese medicine. By identifying the root cause, Chinese medicine can be used to alleviate symptoms.
Infertility caused by functional disorders can be treated with Chinese medicine. If there are organic problems, such as blocked fallopian tubes, Western medicine may be more effective.
Primary dysmenorrhea, which is difficult to treat with Western medicine, can be effectively treated with Chinese medicine.
For cardiovascular diseases, Western medicine is used initially for acute attacks such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and cerebral infarction. Chinese medicine can be used to improve overall health and treat the underlying causes of the disease.