We provide the best service in Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and Chinese remedial massage for the most common health issues including neck pain, back pain, sciatica, migraine headache, sports injury, common cold, digestive disorder, infertility, etc.
Phone: 0424 661 028
Address: Suite 5, 89-91 Burwood Road, Burwood, NSW 2134
clinic Consulting
9AM - 6PM Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
Online consulting
Mon - Sat: by appointment only
Home vist
9AM - 6PM Tue
Our Consulting to Suit you
clinic consulting
Available on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday:
9:30am to 5:30pm
Check the availability and make a booking below.
online consulting
Available when there is a gap for the routine booking, only for those who are unable to come to the clinic with physical reason or distance issue.
Please ensure that your online payment is OK.
home visiting
Home visiting is available on Tuesday, other days has to be pre-scheduled. Service radiatus is 10km of Chatswood.
This is a pre-paid service, pre-booking at least one week before.
Make an Online Booking Now
Where to find us