Specialized Area
We provide the best service in Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and Chinese remedial massage for the most common health issues including neck pain, back pain, sciatica, migraine headache, sports injury, common cold, digestive disorder, infertility, etc.
Phone: 0424 661 028
Address: Suite 5, 89-91 Burwood Road, Burwood, NSW 2134
First Line of Conditions for Chinese Medicine
Neuralgia related pain conditions which is mostly rely on pain killers to control, acupuncture and Chinese medicine will be effectively for these conditions, can be used individually or combine with pain medicine with a smaller dose. Chinese medicine and acupuncture aims to treat the root cause rather than to just stop pain.
In most cases, these conditions occur on a bone-tendon-ligament structure imbalance due to chronic strain or inflammatory factors, so the pain management should be correcting and adjusting these abnormal structure and relieve the inflammation to relieve the pain. Chinese medicine and acupuncture should be the first line of treatment option.
The overall treatment strategy for injuries, whether acute or chronic, is to address the underlying imbalances in the body, alleviate pain, and promote healing. This can be achieved through a combination of Chinese medicine modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, and moxibustion, as well as lifestyle modifications and dietary recommendations. By addressing the root causes of the injury and promoting healing, we can achieve the best possible outcome for the patient.
Insomnia, Depression, anxiety including all classified as mental disorders, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are effective for those disorders. Large amount of researches and clinical reports has approved that Acupuncture is a effective treatment for quit smoking, alcohol addiction. Acupuncture including ear acupuncture has been very popular for these conditions.
Menstrual disorders refer to abnormal changes in menstrual cycle, volume, and duration. TCM believes that menstrual disorders are caused by poor circulation of qi and blood, and dysfunction of the body's organs. TCM often uses methods such as regulating qi and blood, harmonizing the body's organs, and activating blood circulation to dissolve stasis to treat menstrual disorders.
Facial paralysis, or Bell's palsy, is a condition that affects the muscles on one side of the face, resulting in a drooping appearance. While Western medicine may prescribe steroids or antiviral drugs to treat facial paralysis, TCM can also be an effective option, using acupuncture and herbal remedies to improve circulation and nerve function. Similarly Chinese medicine is the first line of treatment for red eye, sore throad, nose bleeding.
Chinese medicine is a effective for digestive disorders manifested the symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, heart burn, indigestion felling like bloating abdomen, etc. also the disease such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). TCM can offer treatments that focus on regulating digestion and reducing inflammation in the gut.
Urinary tract infection is a common condition for women, Incontinence is a condition for aged women, while prostate enlargement is a common problem for aged men. All the above problems are really affecting the aged patients for their quality of life, Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be a option for resolving the problems and restore a quality life.