Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Menstrual Irregularity
Menstrual irregularities are a common gynecological condition characterized by abnormal menstrual cycles or bleeding patterns, as well as premenstrual and menstrual cramps and other bodily symptoms. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are one of the effective treatment for these conditions.
How Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work for Menstrual Irregularity
Menstrual disorders, also known as menstrual irregularities, are a common gynecological condition characterized by abnormal menstrual cycles or bleeding patterns, as well as premenstrual and menstrual cramps and other bodily symptoms. The cause may be due to organic lesions or functional disorders. Many systemic diseases such as blood diseases, hypertension, liver disease, endocrine diseases, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, reproductive tract infections, tumors (such as ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids), etc. can cause menstrual irregularities.
The diagnosis is based on menstrual cycles that are 7 days earlier or later than usual, or no fixed period at all. Menstrual flow can be less or spotless, more or lasting for more than 8 days. If any of these situations persist for some time, it is likely to be a menstrual disorder and should be taken seriously, as menstrual disorders are often a contributing factor to infertility. Therefore, it is best to improve menstrual disorders when preparing for pregnancy, to ensure a smooth conception. Menstrual disorders can seriously affect the physical and mental health of female patients and require targeted and timely treatment.
Irregular uterine bleeding, including: excessive menstrual bleeding or prolonged duration, commonly seen in uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, etc.; scanty menstrual bleeding, with less flow and shorter duration, frequent menstruation with intervals less than 25 days, prolonged menstrual cycles with intervals longer than 35 days, and irregular bleeding, which can be caused by various reasons, with no regularity of bleeding. The above conditions can be caused by local factors, endocrine factors or systemic diseases.
Functional uterine bleeding refers to abnormal uterine bleeding caused by an imbalance in the endocrine regulatory system, without obvious organic lesions in the internal and external reproductive organs. It is the most common type of menstrual disorder, commonly seen in adolescence and menopause, and is divided into ovulatory and anovulatory types, with about 85% of cases being anovulatory.
Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding refers to bleeding that occurs 6 months after the cessation of menstruation, often caused by malignant tumors, inflammation, etc.
Amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstrual periods for 3 or more cycles after the establishment of menstrual cycles or never having experienced menstrual periods before. The diagnostic criteria are a menstrual cycle that is advanced or delayed by more than 7 days or no regular pattern of menstruation. Menstrual flow is either scanty or in droplets. Menstrual flow is excessive or lasts for more than 8 days.
The key diagnostic points are that the menstrual cycle is either advanced or delayed by more than 7 days, or irregular in timing. The menstrual flow is either light or just a few drops. Alternatively, the menstrual flow is heavy or lasts for more than 8 days. If any of these situations persist for a period of time, it may be menstrual disorder and should be taken seriously, as menstrual disorder is often a contributing factor to infertility. Therefore, it is best to improve menstrual disorders when preparing for pregnancy, to ensure a smooth pregnancy. Menstrual disorders can have serious adverse effects on the physical and mental health of female patients and require targeted and timely treatment.
Acupuncture treatment in traditional Chinese medicine is based on the actual condition of the patient, including: (1) menstrual advancement type. For patients with menstrual advancement, if the clinical symptoms are lower abdominal distension and light menstrual flow, acupuncture should be performed at three points, including Zusanli, Qihai, and Piyu. If the clinical symptoms are less menstrual flow, viscous texture, and backache and soft knees, acupuncture should be performed at the two points of Rangu and Guanyuan. If the patient has constipation and a yellow tongue coating, acupuncture should be performed at the Xingjian and Diji points. (2) Menstrual delay type. Acupuncture points for patients with heavy coldness, dysmenorrhea, and cold limbs are located at the three points of Tianshu, Guilai, and Qihai. For patients with dysmenorrhea, hot flashes, and clear menstrual flow, acupuncture should be performed at the three points of Taixi, Mingmen, and Qihai. For patients with pale complexion, dizziness, thin body, acupuncture should be performed at the four points of Zusanli, Gepu, Piyu, and Qihai. For patients with breast and rib pain, blood clots, acupuncture should be performed at the three points of Zhongji, Ligu, and Taichong. (3) Unstable menstrual period type, acupuncture points are located at Qimen, Taichong, and Shenyu.
A clinical control study was conducted on 60 patients with menstrual disorders. Patients were divided into two groups, with the western medicine group receiving conventional oral progesterone treatment and the traditional Chinese medicine group receiving acupuncture treatment. The clinical treatment effect and adverse reactions of the two groups were compared, and it was found that the effective rate of the traditional Chinese medicine group was 50%, the recovery rate was 40%, and the total effective rate was 90%, which was significantly better than the western medicine group's effective rate of 40%, recovery rate of 30%, and total effective rate of 70%.
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